
Professional Development Opportunities

Page history last edited by Catherine Ring 11 years ago

PHASE 3 Opportunities: 2013 - 14 school year

Arts Education: Leading the Way Statewide Conference, October 24, 2013, Collins Center for the Arts, UMaine. REGISTRATION IS OPEN. Workshop information will be available on the site.


Regional Workshops - Our 14 teacher leaders from phase 3 plus 21 returning teacher leaders from phase 1 and 2 are offering regional and mega-regional workshops throughout Maine. The details will be located at http://www.maine.gov/education/lres/vpa/assessment.html as they become available.


Arts Assessment Courses - Music and Visual Art courses are being offered through the New England Institute for Teacher Education, where updated information can be found.


PHASE 2 Opportunities: 2012 - 13 school year

Regional Workshops - Our 20 teacher leaders from phase 2 offered regional workshops throughout Maine. The details are located at http://www.maine.gov/education/lres/vpa/assessment.html.


Mega-Regional Workshops - These professional development opportunities were on a larger scale where several teacher leaders, from phase 1 and 2 provided workshops for your selection. The offerings are located at http://www.maine.gov/education/lres/vpa/assessment.html.


Webinars - Available to access, see information below. 


Arts Assessment Courses - Music and Visual Art courses are being offered through the New England Institute for Teacher Education.


PHASE 1 Opportunities: 2011-12 school year

October 7, 2011 Conference - Click on the link to learn about what took place.


Regional Workshops - The teacher leaders facilitated 20 workshops during the 2011-12 school year. The listing is available by clicking Regional Workshops.


Webinars - 7 webinars were facilitated by Rob Westerberg and Catherine Ring during the school year, 2011-12. Click on the link to access the archived webinars and meeting plans that accompany them.


Arts Assessment Courses - Four graduate courses took place during the 2011-12 school year. Courses were offered through The New England Institute for Teacher Education with graduate credits through Endicott College. For more information please go to their website http://www.newenglandinstitute.org/.



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